Open Media Lab Blog

Cultural & Architectural Tour of Sri Lanka 2016

Cultural & Architectural Tour of Sri Lanka 2016

It will include meetings with architects currently practicing, as well as visits and inspections of iconic developments past and present.  The project has the support of the Geoffrey Bawa Trust. Seeking expressions of interest...

Flux Emerging Architects Design Competition

Flux is an American startup based in San Francisco that develops cloud-based collaboration tools for architects and engineers. Flux would like to invite the students in your department to enter the competition. Early bird registration is...

The Art of Recovery

As demolition gangs reduce ruins to rubble, a dynamic group of artists and entrepreneurs are bringing life back to the streets of post-quake Christchurch. A lively and beautifully filmed documentary, The Art of Recovery...


Craftstone a stone a veneer cladding supplier are looking for a talented student to assist with draughting work, This offer is a unique experience and would provide useful insight into the building industry. The...

Waikato Women in Architecture

An Exhibition on Waikato Women in Architecture is  to be held at the Waikato Home Show at Hamilton October 1 to 4. They are seeking women who work in the Waikato region interested to...